Saturday, 17 August 2013

Back To School Preparations!

                   Back to School!

Summer vacation's over and you know what that means. Time to go back to school! The beginning of the year is EXTREMELY important. This is when you have to make a good first impression to the teachers. If not, you're not going to have a good school year. Make sure to have everything prepared so you don't need run back and forth from the store during the school year. Unless that's what you want to do... Anyways, I'm going to show you some videos for great back to school outfits and some great ideas for school supplies.

              Back To School Fashion!

I don't about you guys but I really enjoy having different clothes for a new school year. Sadly I'm not able to afford new clothes every year so I reuse my old clothes and do some cutting and sewing and I have something new and different. Here are some videos on ways to recycle your old clothes to make better ones.

                Simple Knee Length Skirt to 
                  Cute Asymmetrical Skirt

                       Plain Shirt to
                    Simple Gradient Vest    

                         Tanks to 
              Lace Sweetheart Top 

             Normal Sweater/Top to 
            Cute Printed Sweater/Top 

                  Cute Bracelet
 (This has nothing to do with reusing anything        but it's cute for back to school)

          Back To School Decorating

Most school supplies are plain, if not too colorful. So instead of buying expensive ones that match your tastes, you can just buy plain ones and decorate it yourself. Also, school lockers are usually very ugly on the outside and inside so at least what we can do is make it prettier inside right? Here are some DIYs and locker decorating tips for school.

            Decorating and Organizing Your Locker

                       DIY Bookmarks

                          Dull to 
                         Cute Pens 

                    Pen Pocket Notebook

                   Personalized Notebook

I hope all of you students this post helpful. This DIYs aren't very expensive and very cute. All of these videos were easy to understand and really well made thanks to these great YouTubers. I hope everybody has a great school year and make sure to make a great first impression!   O(≧∇≦)O