I'm still wondering when the zombie apocalypse
is going to happen. I'm totally not prepared if it's going to happen tomorrow.
Only thing I'm prepared for is Halloween! It's in 2 days! Extremely excited! I'm dressing up as a Zombie Alice with a wolf hood. The makeup will be like this one did by the famous Michelle Phan!!!!!!!! Here the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHkJpjjPIvM
Here's what I'm going to wear(sorry, I can't draw that well and badly scan too. It was last minute):
That's the costume I'm going to wear. I might change it a bit since it might be cold.
Well now that I told you what I'm going to wear for Halloween, send me a picture of what your costume is at mochasundae@hotmail.co.uk
Oh and check out my Deviantart here: http://chibikochess.deviantart.com/